Thursday, October 28, 2010

Panjab University Results To Be Computed Online

After deciding to bring the admissions for most courses online from the academic session 2011-12, Panjab University has decided to computerise all results to be announced at the end of this academic session.

The decision has been taken keeping in view the discrepancies in hand-written results and mark sheets. The university has been receiving numerous complaints against evaluation, which is on the rise with each passing year. Majority of these complaints pertain to discrepancies in mark sheets.

"No matter how careful the evaluators are, discrepancies do creep in. The university is working towards computerisation of all results. This would check the possibilities of human error that creep in during the process of making results," said Panjab University Controller of Examinations Prof AK Bhandari.

The staff is being trained to make the transition. "The university had undertaken a trial to switch over to feed data in computer for limited courses this year to gauge what difficulties and problems can be faced by the staff members. Now that all issues have been taken care of, the university is hopeful that the entire switch over would be successful for this academic session," added Bhandari.

Major concerns were raised by some senate members in its meeting held recently over the discrepancies in the mark sheets. Citing instances, one of the members pointed out that the difference in the actual result and that written on the mark sheet is sometimes more than 50 (instead of 54 marks as given by the evaluator, only 4 marks are hand written on the mark sheet).

The university had already conducted a trial by introducing computerised results in some of the postgraduate courses this year. This would be adopted for all courses now on.

However, Panjab University Vice-Chancellor RC Sotbi, in the senate has ruled the possibility of online tests due to technical intricacies and loopholes in such online exams. Going the by the glitches that were faced by the IIMs while conducting the online CAT, the university is not willing conduct tests online unless a fool-proof system evloves.

Rajwinder Singh
Head, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
First Floor , Engineering Block I,
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