
M. Tech Projects.        B. Tech Projects  

1.       Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes. Peer-to-peer networking technology is as old as the Internet itself. High security and privacy risks are involved when using p2p applications like KaZaA, ICQ etc.  . With the high speed networks of today it is very important to really know what is going on in your network and which applications is doing what and with whom. If not, there are high possibilities that your network will be used for more or less malicious purposes. Therefore it is interesting to find out if peer to peer applications have found their way behind firewalls. Security issues that can be directly associated with the peer to peer applications.  In this project we would like to address the security threats and their counter measure by setting the lab experimental setup.     ( Prerequisite : Linux OS)

2.      Mobile agents (MA) are agents that can physically travel across a network, and perform tasks on machines that provide agent hosting capability. This allows processes to migrate from computer to computer, for processes to split into multiple instances that execute on different machines, and to return to their point of origin. Unlike remote procedure calls, where a process invokes procedures of a remote host, process migration allows executable code to travel and interact with databases, file systems, information services and other agents. At present no real application based on mobile agent system exists in spite of so many benefits of MA. We would like to implement small applications using MA technology and make a comparison with the existing technologies and find out the merits/ demerits.  (Prerequisite: Java).

3.       Web Based  Real life Applications  

Students (B. Tech/ M. Tech/ MCA) interested in doing the above projects may contact me at with subject line “Project on “Pear to Peer” Networking ”