Saturday, January 15, 2011

simple tips to give your house a fresh look without any additional expenses

Use these simple tips to give your house a fresh look without any additional expenses-

Group aesthetics It's easy-do, and looks different. Rummage through your ancestral bell metal, copper or silver plates and holders. Arrange pots and jugs on a tray or plate and top up with twigs, berries and leaves, anything that catches your eye - no need for expensive flowers. It is the arrangement of unconventional vases, grouped together, that creates the USP.

Bottled up! Put together an attractive ensemble using bottles in various shapes and sizes, dress each bottle up with bits of lace and place similar blooms inside to lift them out of the ordinary and create a harmonious group. Tip: Don't overcrowd, try small flowers with long stems such as Pride of India or Baby's Breath. Change the water daily for a fresh, clean look.

Communication station Easy organising To keep track of the daily onslaught of slips, bills, and junk mail, set up this station in your study. A wall-mounted magazine rack gives each family member a slot for his or her papers, a look here calendar is for quick reference, along with flyers, invites, and such.

Things to keep and things to toss out-

Keep - an envelope tacked to the bulletin board to stash coupons, gift certificates, or other money-savers you might need to grab on your way out, saving you cash without costing you that other valuable asset - time.

Toss - one thing for every new item you bring in. When you've got this much coming in and out, it's easy to have everything pile up. So once something goes in your magazine or mail bin, something must go out.

Keep - a trash can or recycling bin for all the mail and papers you've dealt with - or already know are junk. When possible, sign up for online opt-outs such as electronic billing.

1. Sort smart: Stop mail clutter - use a tiered bin with three sections: In for important mail (bills, papers???), Out for outgoing mail, Read for materials to peruse later (magazines, books???). Have children place important paperwork for you in the 'In' box, once handled, move it to their slot (on previous page).

2. Make note: A sticky note on the door is the perfect can't-miss-it reminder. Tuck the notepad and pen in a bin (near your station) meant for holding outgoing items, say those library books that are due tomorrow.

3. Pen it in: A colour-coded calendar (with a different hue for each person) will keep the family on schedule. Just jot down events that involve multiple members (may be activities that require a driver...). Purge your bulletin board of no-longer-needed papers when you change the calendar page.

Reproduced From Good Housekeeping. © 2011. LMIL. All rights reserved.

Rajwinder Singh
Head, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
First Floor , Engineering Block I,
Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran (Mohali)-140307, Punjab, India
Phone : +91-0172-3984200 Ext  216
             +91-0172-3984216 (Direct)
             + 91-  9781925246 (Mobile)
Fax : +91-0172-3984207

Government revises PhD scholarship

Government has revised the rates  of  Ph.D. Scholarship  in  AICTE funded  and  centrally  funded  technical  institutions  under  the  Ministry of  Human Resource  Development. All the students pursuing Ph.D. Programmes Junior Research Fellow or Senior Research Fellow are entitled to receive the revised amount of fellowships.

Scholars with graduate Degree in Professional Courses (BE/ B. Tech or equivalent) and GATE or equivalent qualification 1st & 2nd year will receive Rs. 16, 000 per month as stipend. Those with Post Graduate Degree in Basic Sciences (MSc or equivalent) and NET qualified will now get Rs. 18, 000 per month till 5th year. Earlier, it was 14,000 for third and fourth year. While for fifth year it was 15,000. While, students who hold M.E. / M. Tech degree or equivalent will get Rs. 18, 000 instead of Rs. 14, 000 for the first and second year. While the third and fourth year candidates will get Rs. 20, 000  in place of the 15, 000. The revised fellowship is also applicable to government aided Institutions funded by AICTE & UGC.

However, no salary grant  or  any  other  salary  grant  would  be  given  to  any  of  the  institutes implementing this scheme. The fellowship will not be granted to sponsored  and  self-  financed  category  of  students  including  those  in receipt of  any other similar assistantships/  scholarship/  fellowship. The fellowship applies to scholars on the basis of GATE scores above the prescribed cut-off level. B.Tech  graduates  from  the  IITs  getting  a CGPA  score of  8 or  above  (on scale of  10) would also be entitled to the assistantship without having to appear in GATE.

The local institution should review the performance of the fellow after two years through an appropriate review Committee constituted by the Head of the Institution. The fellowship in the slab after 2 years of research experience may be provided after successful assessment by this review Committee.

Rajwinder Singh
Head, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
First Floor , Engineering Block I,
Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran (Mohali)-140307, Punjab, India
Phone : +91-0172-3984200 Ext  216
             +91-0172-3984216 (Direct)
             + 91-  9781925246 (Mobile)
Fax : +91-0172-3984207